
Speciality Diabetologist

Profile : Dr. S.S. Dhingra is a Diabetologist based in Jalandhar, Punjab. He is the Managing Director of the Dr. Dhingra’s Diabetes Care Centre.

Dr. S.S. Dhingra, MD has a post-graduate Degree in Internal Medicine and Diploma in Diabetology. He has completed a certificate course in Diabetology, Chennai.

During the years of his studies, internship and residency, Dr. S.S. Dhingra gained experience at several hospitals around the country. He has received special training in diabetic foot care management.

Dr.S.S. Dhingra has attended a large number of courses, workshops, training programmes and conferences, in India and abroad, to enhance his knowledge and skills.

Dr. S.S. DHINGRA is a disciplined, dedicated and a very competent Senior Diabetologist. He is in Private Practice for more than 25 years with special interest in Diabetes Care, Education and Research. He is the Director of Delhi Diabetes Care Centre located in Karol Bagh (Central Delhi). He is a Senior Consultant Diabetologist at Delhi Heart & Lung Institute. He is an excellent Team Leader who can inspire, motivate and lead the team members to achieve a specific goal. He is an active participant in a number of National & International Diabetes Conferences, thus keeping well abreast with the latest developments in the field of Diabetes. He is devoted and committed to diabetes care for his patients. All his patients have lot of faith and confidence in him due to his behaviour, dedication and competency.


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